Before starting: To import a 3D model into CircuitStudio, make sure that its corresponding footprint has already been imported. Find out how to do that here.
For Circuit Studio 1.1 and later, follow these steps to import a 3D model into Circuit Studio.
Open the footprint in Circuit Studio.
Click Home > 3D Body. A 3D Body pop-up window will appear.
In the 3D Body window under the 3D Model Type section, select Generic STEP Model and then click Embed STEP Model under the Generic STEP Model section.
βIn the browser dialog, find the *.STEP file you downloaded.
βOn the footprint layout, left-click at the center of the footprint to place the 3D STEP model on the footprint.
Start finding symbols, footprints, & 3D models for your designs on SnapMagic.